domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

August 29 TOPICS 2014

what was the place you enjoyed the most abroad Brazil?

lesson_planning 2

What does it mean to ‘know a word’?

14:00 dropping out - get things - complained most - a group course coordinator - in a way Ss much better than the teacher - practicing once a year - board game - seriously dangerous -
Andre was saying about last weekend - what have we done for few.

DAY 3 28/09/2014

we firmly 
for the sake of 


Second teaching Point

1 leas in related to the next topic
get engage to previous learning

2 pre teaching vocabulary - it's not happened here
after 2 minutes - faster the confidence
Feedback from the Ss
T  solicited  

what I did for the .

Hill and mountains - places that I like and
introduced palace.
Is this a book one, in the way to general understanding get the whole picture.

pre-teaching of lexis
pre-taught - 3-5 vocabulary enough.
Eliciting part question in Sao Paulo you find more hills or mountains?
Drilling- only after I check with CCQ hill (n), place (n) stressed
how natural should be exposed to students

only then you board it and then put (n) stress done.
visual task - Text fase started discuss about places not in Brazil
match the speaker to the picture.

gist question general question more completely
gap filling - hand out - how we supposed on a tour? it's ok?
gap filling hand out
I chested the hand out can you who is to be done?

5 - 7' Specific question - sets the time 
peer check and correct them
answers on the board
you need to put in action
less controlled
different freer practice

beginning at the preparation of the 4 follow up question
one by one drill questions
very communicative
4 topic 
follow up reaction - to react to the topic
the very question
you shorten
different language
formations in the sentences
took some notes
delayed corrections
feedback plus the back bone
up untill now
Listening lesson 
let's compare them
listening and reading
gist and specific
generally speaking
lead in
speaking freer practice
grammar MPF
vocabulary - ECDB
less controlled
Freer - follow up reaction
final feedback it needs to be more communicative
spoiled - to ruin
every type of stage aim
supposed to put jargons
writing and spoken English
Grammar - Listening
Listaning and reading there is no practice
2nd part
Talking about
the last class about TP
Language - main aim/ subsidiary aim 
PW - pair work
achieve pointed out - feedback
LP 2
more copying/product pages 1 and 2
how professionally main aim lesson are the...
column 1
stages name - steps 
stage aim contextualize
break the ice.
column 2 - procedure
1 to each
clearly - details - teaching
teacher asks
intentions to
instruct Ss if I had to write lexical items the meaning with CCQs
by doing that.

timing hole stage
taking a reading aloud
waiting to somebody else
little by little
need quality
grade for lesson , teaching
the answers to the GAP FILL
information about patterns of interaction
used in stage
information about
the feedback
the answers
possible correction procedures
on the chest
teacher chests the handout
I'm chesting in the back of the paper
give an idea - bullet points
and chests the activity
T sets gives

Day three - Listening Class  
Step by Step 
Get things Complained Most - reclamação 
Dropping out a group course of coordinator 
in a way - students are much better than the teacher 
Andre asks us about our last weekend. 
What have we done for fun. 
sake - forsake - purpose 
What have we done for fun? 
Second Teaching Point -  
1 lead-in - related into the next topic 
get engaged previous learning 
2 pre teaching - vocabulary 
it's not happenned here 
foster - promover estimular   
foster the confidence - assurance - confiança 
after 2 minutes 
feedback from the Ss 
T solicited  
Hill x Mountains 
places that I like 
and introduce palace 
this a good one in a way to general understanding - get the whole picture 
Pre - teaching of Lexis 
3 - 5 
vocabulary enough 
Eliciting part - question - in Sao paulo you will find more hills or more mountains? 
Drilling - Only after I check the CCQs 
hill - n    palace - n stressed syllable 
Only then you board it - and then put (n) 
How natural should be exposed to students 
Visual task - Text FASE Started 
right set the scene 
discuss about places not in Brazil 
First Listening TASK 
start the students discuss before the discussion with the teacher 
match the speeches to the picture 
Gist question - general question 
more completely 
How we supposed on tour 
gap filling - HAND OUT  
Show from a  
I chested the handout 
can you Who is to be done? 
Specific question - Sets the time a guidance 
3'- 7' 
Peer check 
answers on the board 
teacher fronted 
You do need to put in action 
less controlled 
different - freer 
Beginning at the  
Preparation of the Of the Follow UP question 
One by One Drill Questions 
very communicative 
4 topic follow up reaction is to react to the just topics 
then  you shortne the questions on the board 
5  Feedbacks 
delayed correction

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