terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2014

72 015 ASSIGNMENT 02

learning style
This group is mostly Visual learners (Sheerin, S. Self Access. OUP,
1989): aided by boardwork / picture concepts that explain meaning. Theyare open to Kinesthetic (Sheerin) experiences, which allow them to move around the classroom and/or write at the whiteboard using target

There are two Auditory learners (Sheerin), who listen to learn, take
extensive notes and talk much less than their fellow learners.
Sheerin says that

educators must recognize and provide for differences in students’ psychology, personality, and purposes for learning. 
She needs to develop reading skills 
lack of reading and writing skills, it made her concerned and motivated her to start studying the language 

******According to Ryan& Stiller (1991) motivation is distinguished in:
Intrinsic motivation, which refers to doing something because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable and extrinsic motivation, which refers to doing something because it leads to a separable outcome. 

classroom behavior

According to what she told me, pair and group work activities are crucial to build her confidence and make speaking –  what she says to be her worst skill – easier and enjoyable. In my observations,
I could notice that she has some good writing and grammar skills, she has no problems with word order or tenses, and she can organize her ideas coherently. 

main strengths 


This lack of practice was evident during the classes.

She constructed some grammatically sound sentences when she wrote, “I want to improve my speaking English.... Speaking is hard for me, Because, I don't have a lot of vocabulary.”
 In one of the task assigned in class she wrote “ I think good computers skills is creating a spreadsheet.” It showsthat besides having acquired the piece of language taught she couldnt construct  a sentence in a correct order, as in the sentence where she said “ dress black” instead of saying “black dress”.

Some pronunciation problems have occurred, as the majority, she has problems with „th sounds and mispronounced almost all words with this combination.
In a speaking activity she said “I can dance very well“she created the sentence totally out of the  blue, I mean, the sentence wasnt written on the board. She really learnt from the lesson.
 It shows that she was really concentrated and she is really willing to learn the language. She interacts well with the peers what makes her practice more efficient.
Some suggestions for ways inwhich the students could behelped to improve in the areas ofweakness mentioned in the previous section.

Provide at least three concrete examples.

As almost all beginners, her problems with word order are clear. In order to help her to overcome this issue I would suggest some activities such as Maze they are fun and really efficient. It consists in breaking sentences into grids.
The idea is to connect the words in the correct order with a line. Only words that share a side may be connected. To introduce some reading in her daily studies would help her to get in touch with written English, it could help her to get used to the correct order of words in English.

Mispronouncing the "th" sound by making a simple "s" or "t" sound is very common among English language learners, to help her I would suggest some online dictionaries that show the pronunciation of the words and some useful websites with exercises about the topic. 

As for group work, in class I would illustrate to students how they can pronounce the "th" sound correctly, that is, how to stick their tongue out and introduce the students to some mispronounced words from their mother tongue to show them how they would seem to be non-natives if they mispronounced words.

Third, I would devise an oral drill based on some familiar words with "th" sounds. I would choose a number of words from the learners' textbooks and ask them to repeat the words in groups or individually.

Any further comments you may feel relevant

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